Letters to SJ.

  • Letters to SJ.


    So “Minnie” Reasons To Celebrate!  [ September 25, 2021 ] Savannah Jane,Today you are two years old. Two feels so much more emotional to me than one did. At one, you were my sweet and strong baby whose personality was really just beginning to shine. Now, at two, I know you so much more. This year your Dad and I nicknamed you SJ- Stuntin’ Joy. It’s the number one thing family, friends, and even strangers stop and notice about you. You wear a smile from the very moment I scoop you out of your bed each morning. When something makes you laugh, you scrunch your nose up and throw your…

  • Letters to SJ.


    My sweet SJ, You are unFOURgettable. Today, but truly every day. I have wondered so many times this last year all the ways you must be changing. What does your voice sound like? How long has your hair gotten? What have you learned? Does your one eyebrow still lift when you make that mischievous smirk? Do you still throw your head back and shriek with joy when you laugh? What does it take to make you laugh like that at this age? Are you the jokester of Heaven I imagine you are, spreading joy like you did here? I’ve wondered too what pieces of our lives you have caught glimpses…